Do it once, not twice
Mauro Percinoto
Mauro Percinoto


Mauro is the Director of Compliance and Chief Operations Officer. Before joining Indicator Capital, Mauro co-founded Gliq, an IT infrastructure startup. Previously, he had been with IBM for eight years. He holds a BA in Economics from PUC of Rio de Janeiro. Mauro is a specialist in task-driven management and deploys the GTD methodology.

Personal Achievements

He is an ancestral lifestyle practitioner who applies innovative self-awareness methods for personal and team development.


PUC-RJ (Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro), BA in Economics

Fluent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish

Portfolio Companies

Thank you for visiting my profile! I’m happy to connect over LinkedIn, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.
All the best,

Mauro Percinoto